on January 7, 2015
at 8:23 am
Happy New Year, everyone! Between Canadian family vacations and Inquisition and getting back to work, I don’t really feel like the new year has started. Mine hasn’t, at least, resolution-wise. But I’ll get on that.
In celebration of Penny’s new look, here are two pieces I recently commissioned from Muse Mentor‘s Amy King. Amy is a fantastic (character) illustrator and did an excellent job with both the Before and After preserving their respective essences of Penny. Enjoy, and check out MM!
Wasn’t he only 10 years old when that movie came out?
I wish I knew when people were genuinely confused or trolling on the internet.
Former case: Annaconda videoclip.
Latter case: Well shit, I’ve been had.
Naked with a hand under the covers, is she doing what I think she’s doing?